Sorry if this has already been talked about, I've had a hard time keeping
up with the mailings these last few weeks.
When is national, or is it international, ferret day?  Isn't it in January
or February?  If someone could let me know so our club can post it in our
Also, if anyone, any clubs, organizations have anything special planned for
ferret day will you please let me know. You can either post or let me know
by e-mail at [log in to unmask]
LuAnn and the fabulous four!
Zoid: "Mom, everything looks better on the floor!"
Cinders: "Unless you have treats, I'm sleep'n"
Quedo: "Dad I just want to lay here by your feet. No, don't touch me I
        just want to be NEAR you!"
Fred: "Quedo! Let's wrestle!!"
[Posted in FML issue 2519]