Hi to all the fuzzy lovers,
I have decided that to get used to posting, I just have to keep at it.
Out of my 10 babies, 3 came from private breeders, and 1 was a rescue from
one of these breeders.  All of these had adoptions forms that included a
promise to return these ferrets if for any reason, we couldn't keep them.
It was plain that time was not a factor.  When we had a serious problem, we
talked to the breeder to decide on how to handle the problem.  They have
made it plain that they are responsible for these guys for the rest of
their lives.
I have read of backyard breeders in posts on this mailing list before, and
evidently this is the case in the post today.  These people (?) are in it
for the money and nothing else, but I have to stick up for the breeders
that I have had contact with in my 2 1/2 years on being owned by ferrets.
I also have to say that the shelters that I have had email contact with are
concerned with any problems that we may come up against.  They are the ones
that answer my questions, and usually keep in contact with my to follow up
on how things are going with my baby.  If they are concerned about ferrets
and people they have never met, how can we condemn them for whatever ways
they are trying to help out homeless ferrets.
I think that if I ever came across a real bad situation, then I would try
to help correct the situation, in anyway that would help the shelter.  I
don't know of any close shelters, but would donate time if I find one close
by.  Or if anyone starts one, I would love to help.  I am in southern MI
near the state line, close to both IN and OH.  If there are any shelters
nearby, please let me know.
Thanks for letting me have my say.
Millie and her more than enough crew.
[Posted in FML issue 2518]