Hullo to all subscribers,
firstly I would like to thank everyone who responded to my request about
Ferretone,bitter apple and how to introduce new ferrets to existing ferrets.
Being an owner and lover off ferrets I try and read as much as I can about
diffrent aspects concerning ferrets and living in Israel the information is
non existant,but thanks to the mailing list and internet,I have learn a
lot,but every now and then one comes across an article that is tottally
baffling or justt incorrect.
Has anyone read Breeding,Birthing,and Rearing of Ferrets.It can be found
at http:/
Itwas written by Leara.
- contrary to popular belief,allowing a female ferret to go unmated will
  not kill her.This is an old wives tale.
- By 3 weeks of age the kits will be taking solid meat.
- They are weaned about the age of six to eight weeks and bread and milk
  should be given to them to ease the transition to solid food.
These are a few discrepences that I have seen in this article.I would
appreciate if someone could let me know the facts about breeding ferrets as
this information does not seem correct.If I am correct please read the rest
of the article.I feel that correct information should be given to people
who are thinking of keeping ferrets as we all know only responsible people
read and learn before keeping ferrets so they can see what a responsibility
it is.To make matters worse it says in the article that most
theinfformation came from the book Your First Ferret by Adelle Porch.I
would be interested to hear the opinion of others.
best to you and yours
Russell Evans
[Posted in FML issue 2510]