Again, there seems to be a plethora (that means "a whole bunch") of people
out there, that like to practice "selective reading" habits.  Bob clearly
stated that not *all* shelters were subject to his statements, yet, it
seems that a lot of shelters took it personally.  Whether it's guilt, or
just a lack of reading acumen, I think that way too many people have
angrily lashed out at Bob for voicing his opinion.  Maybe all those that
are flaming Bob should take a cue from their own words and take a few trips
around the country--look at other shelters and rescues.  Maybe Bob is 100%
right.  Maybe the ones that he's talking about *do* exist.  Maybe the
comments that he has made about the care of the fuzzies is 100% right.
Maybe Bob Church knows exactly what he's talking about, since he's actually
*been* to these places.  He made those statements, then said that not all
shelters were like that, but that those that *were* as he stated knew who
they were.  Does anyone else?  Bob doesn't operate a shelter.  Those who
have been supplying the flames don't travel all across the country visiting
shelters.  Let's all sit back, take a deep breath and start paying
attention to the *entire* conversation and see if maybe there isn't a lot
of unwarranted tossing of words here.
Todd and the (Boy are we glad we can't read...yet!) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2518]