Since it is the Christmas season and we've all been hearing a lot about the
lack of Holiday spirit, I thought I would share this special story.
About two weeks ago our shelter posted a message to the recipients of our
mailing list about a special little boy that came into our care.  Goliath
is the most adorable, cuddly ferret you'd ever want to meet.  However, this
little guy had been mauled by a dog about a year ago and was never properly
treated at the time.  Needless to say, his broken bones healed, his skin
mended and he learned to get about with his now atrophied back legs.  His
tail was only a few inches long, hairless and quite broken in several
places.  This tail was causing him some discomfort and it was recommended
that we have it augmented (if we didn't mind the looks of a bobbed tail).
Within only a few hours, e-mails starting coming back asking the question,
'how can we help'.  To each one we replied that we had been given an
estimate by our vet and that we would cover the cost.  Of course, the
adoption fee would cover a portion of that, but still there would be a
fairly large remaining balance.  To our surprise, we starting receiving
donations, cards and letters begun to arrive in the mail addressed to
Goliath, little pictures of ferrets hand-drawn by children that had seen
his photos and wanted to wish him well.  The kindness and caring was
somewhat overwhelming.  To these people we would like to give our special
thanks.  Not only from us, but also from Goliath.  He's a super ferret and
we're sure he'll receive lots of love in his new home.  These are the kind
of people that still know the 'true' meaning of Christmas.
Now onto the point of all this.  There has been a lot of discussion of the
'pros' and 'cons' of shelter/rescues.  Until you have actually experienced
the joy of helping a ferret in need find a new home, or the pain of having
one die in your arms because it's so sick with cancer, it would be hard to
judge the job that the shelter has willingly taken on.  Until there comes a
day when all ferrets have loving homes and shelters are no longer needed,
there will be those that open their doors to help any animal that comes
their way.  Even if this means long hours, nights without sleep and
financial hardship.
A final note.  During this special season, please take a minute to consider
helping your local shelter or rescue.  If you can't help financially, call
them.  Donations of food, litter, baby blankets, cages or even volunteering
your time is greatly appreciated.  Some shelters are even looking for
responsible homes for foster care situations.  Let's remember what's
important here!  Although we love each and every ferret that comes through
our door, we realize that somewhere is a family waiting for that special
pet to love, and love them back.
(If you would like to see Goliath, his photo and bio can be found on the
following page.  Over the next few days we'll be posting newer photos of
his now 'trimmed' tail.   Brrrrr, do you feel a breeze?)
Kevin & Julie Groninga
'West Valley Wuzzles!'
Ferret Breeding, Rescue & Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 2518]