My ornery little sable girl, Noel, got herself ina bit of a jam last night.
She was blocked in the kitchen with her younger "sister" Sandy.  I use a
large filing cabinet (until I can get something better) to block the
kitchen door.
Well, Noel was digging at the filing cabinet, as if she could move it!, and
got her foot stuck in it.  Luckily, I was right in the next room and heard
her start screaming (not a sound I want to hear again!  :-()
Anyway, I pulled open the drawer & got her foot out.  But now she has a cut
on the 3rd pad of her front foot.  It was bleeding pretty bad last nite,
but I got that stopped with pressure.  I tried to apply some peroxide so it
wouldn't get infected, but Noel freaked and shook her paw around and
wouldn't let me do it.
Anyone have any tips on how to keep it clean?  I'm worried about her
walking around in the litter box.  I use a mix of Yesterday's News &
Feline Pine and don't want that stuff getting up in that sore.
Aileen & silly little Noel
[Posted in FML issue 2518]