Folks have been writing me with some VERY interesting ideas for sleeping
quarters/ boxes/sacks/hammocks/etc. that exclude light well.
Those who want to publically discuss such things should do so here on
the list since I REALLY am NOT at all handy (all thumbs and not able to
visualize stuff) so if anyone was ever lacking an engineer's talents it's
me.  Nor can I advise whether to patent something or not -- still wouldn't
know that information even if I had to bathe in it daily; all I know is
that the CURRENT research (not on ferrets) looks VERY intriguing and that
some others (such as Judi) have observed things which may have bearing in
relation to adrenal tumors.  Like you I have to WAIT to find how the rest
of the research projects pan out; it's as simple as that.  (On the other
hand, we DO want to increase darkness time for our guys because the current
work is so promising; we personally figure that the effort may have its
benefits and are willing to risk the cost.)
Also, for some reason there are those who think that I like the idea of
plastic, but I am personally very LEERY of it -- largely because of the
assortment of smothering cases which have appeared here at times, but
also for some other reasons which would have to be addressed and which I
mentioned yesterday.  You are thinking of someone else and you got our
posts confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OUCH!
P.S. Steve's at work after a busy day of being interviewed and being very
pleased that he was interviewed by someone who understands the stuff and
who he found that he personally likes.  Steve found that he gets nervous
around portable microphones, though <G>.  If we find out beforehand when
he'll be on we'll let you know so you can also listen to your local
National Public Radio station then.  If you want to see what the fuss is
about before then go to and you'll be exposed
to the public part of the work.  If you want to see why we're so overjoyed
check out the NPR news programs!
[Posted in FML issue 2510]