The Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas and all through our home
The ferrets were playing, through the house they did roam
I knew they would all soon be fast asleep
No sounds would be heard not even a peep
The candy canes were hung on the tree with care
With hopes the ferrets wouldn't notice them there
Pumkin pies were cooling from our ovens heat
Awaiting the ferrets for their morning treat
With me in my sweats and Ezzie in her blankie
We all settled in for the night except Sweetie
Excitedly she ran from room to room
And stopped in the kitchen to attack our broom
When it fell to the floor it made such a clatter
All the ferrets came to see what was the matter
Oh, Zipper, oh Coco, oh Socks and Weazzie
Oh, Misty, oh Dusty, oh Bud and Binky
They spotted the tree and my what a fuss
Climbing the tree was absolutely a must
Then Friskie and Randa the limbs they did climb
And Randa promptly left poor Friskie behind
Spritely quickly skittered up the tree to the top
Only to tackle Bobbie and down they did flop
Only a 2 foot tree, you  need not worry
All I saw was two fuzzbeans that were blurry
Down at the bottom the others did cheer
Hey, now it's our turn, we have no fear!
As I sat on the futon and watched them all play
I thought to myself, thank God for this and every day.
"Merry Christmas To All From Troy Lynn & Ferret Family Services!"
[Posted in FML issue 2516]