If I remember correctly there was ferret named BJ with coccidea as well?
His owner said something of 14 days of medication and diarrhea?
 ....vague memory...
Roxy is only on medication for 7 days and she doesnt have diarrhea.  She
has wetter stools than the others, but they arent runny.  They are also
much smaller than the other two ferts.  I guess that could be because she
is half their size... The original reason I took her into the Vet was her
butt was swollen and red.  What I'm askin is...is a red, swollen butt a
symptom of Coccidea or could she have Coccidea and--god forbid--something
else??  And should she be on her meds longer than 7 days?  What signs
should I look for to tell me she's getting worse or better?  Shes been on
the meds 5 days now and her butt is still, but not as badly, swollen and
red.  Should I take her back to the vet immediatly?
Angie and Duchess, Chewbacca, Roxanne, and Adrienne
[Posted in FML issue 2516]