>Their distinct facial masks should be a clue to what they are.  Both Jodi
>and I agree they are in the wiesel family, very distinct black and white
>facial markings, body type long and slender with med brown short hair fur,
>orange on belly, slender med length legs, black tip on the tail.
Isn't there a release area, east of Albuquerque, for Black-Footed Ferrets?
These little animals could very well have been BFF's.  If they were, heaven
help the vets and animal control officers.  They will be spending big time
in prison and/or paying major fines for putting down an endangered specie,
if this is the case.  Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
More than likely, they were martins..I think they are called..There is
another weasel-like animal found in the Rockies that fits the description,
but can't think of its name.
MC, The Sad One
[Posted in FML issue 2515]