I somehow missed the initial discussion @ velux blankets, but wanted to
toss in my $0.02.  This doesn't apply directly to Crystal's idea of using
vellux as interior batting for a little quilt (neat idea!) but she jogged
my memory, so, here goes.
Several years ago I bought a huge velux remnant piece -- big enough for a
blanket -- to cut up and use as chair-seat protectors to keep the cat fur
off them, but I didn't use up all the velux.
A month or so ago, as I was unpacking after my move to the new house, I
found the remaining velux and immediately thought it would make great
ferret bedding.  I sewed up a bunch of sleep sacks/etc, which they loved!
Here comes the rub...literally.  Maybe this velux wasn't top quality, or
maybe it happens to all velux.  But with age, it degrades.  What I found
was, after a couple days of use by the ferrets (you know how they dig in
their hammocks and sleep sacks sometimes), the velux was coming apart.  In
little bits and nubbins, leaving behind the bare foundation fabric.  LOTS
of little bits and nubbins!!!
I didn't know whether such little pieces of pluff could cause an intestinal
blockage but I was afraid to take the chance.  So I had to throw out ALL
the sacks, hammocks, etc I'd made.  (I then went out and spent >$20 on a
couple of yards of heavyweight polar fleece, but that's another story!)
If you do use velux for your ferrets' things, please inspect it carefully
for wear, especially as the material ages.
(WA-state) Megan & the Terrific, Terrible Trio
[Posted in FML issue 2509]