Hello all and Happy Holidays,
I haven't posted for awhile but read avidly the FML.  About C-mas trees and
ferts.  Our tree is fert proof.  I don't put anything on it that would hurt
them and everything is secured so as not to be pulled off.  I put ornaments
under it for them to play with and made a tree skirt out of red fleece and
fake fur for them to play under and on.  Charlie likes to climb it so he
now has a soft landing when he falls out.  He can get up but its one long
step down every time.  The tree is a fake one but doesn't look like one at
We lost another shelter baby today.  I get so angry with people who let
their ferts get so sick.  Then they bring them to me to "fix".  My main
goal in this part of the country is to EDUCATE people.  We only had Silver
for 3 months.  Didn't even know his real name.  He was found wandering in
the foothills.  He seemed happy while he was with us.  I know that he was
loved.  You can't help but love the little guys, especially the homeless
Happy crossed last month.  His spleen was enlarged and weighed 1/4 lb.  He
didn't make it but only 1 week after surgery.  We dearly loved that guy.
He was a 3 year old MF.
Well, Charlie, Chester, Felix, Prissy, Daisy Mae & shelter guys Zeus &
Viper all send you Happy Hloiday DOOKS.  me too.........gay
[Posted in FML issue 2514]