Hi Yall,
I have been reading the articles on darkness with interest.Living in Alaska
really poses a problem for that one.As during the summer it doesnt even get
dark outside.Alot of people here tho have darkening curtains.These are
special made that really do not let the light in.
While they are really expensive to but premade I know that you can buy just
the material at JoAnne fabrics.(no affiliation).I am not sure that all the
stores carry the fabric but I do know ours does.I will check to see how much
per yard it is if anyone is interested.I know I am going to go get some.
I dont have curtains in my house as I love the great outdoors and we have
no neighbors.
On another note THANK YOU to all who responded to my vaccination question.I
havent gotten to respond to all personally as of yet.But I will.I would
also like to ask if any have any helpful hints on stopping biting.
Our little love Fuz gets so excited with playing he gets a little to happy
with his teeth.I think hes proud of them.The pet store owner told me to
shove my finger down his throat when he does this.But I am sorry that
sounds hideous to me.I will NOT do that.I bought some bitter apple but what
a pain to put that one everytime we get him out.So i dont put it on.Argh my
new dilemma.
Now for my accomplishment.I built Fliks cage last week.(after being told
the wire would be to hard for little ole me to handle)I also hauled the
blasted thing in and showed the charming sales guy how nice it was.Hehehe
Hugs to all the fuzzys
Becca and Flik aka chompers
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If a turtle has no shell is he naked or homeless..........
[Posted in FML issue 2509]