I am new and usually lurk, this is my first post.  But I had to make a
correction on something stated.  It was said in the "zen stuff" post that
Adelle Porch's book should be avoided.  This was the first little 31 page
book I bought to get some basic info on ferrets, it did it's job as a
little introduction book.  I have since then gathered many others, and
printed the ferret central FAQ.  The book made no mention of the female
unmated old wives tale (in fact it said the opposite), never mentioned 3
week kits eating meat (in fact said 6-8 week kits should be given solid
ferret food softened with water) or any mention of bread or milk to be
given.  The author of the page must have made up this stuff for dramatic
affect.  I think the book is a great little intro book for prospective
ferret people who don't want to buy a more expensive one just to see if a
ferret is right for them.  I'm not flaming I'm just saying that one should
not pass judgment on something one has not read.  Maybe if people would
read a short book on ferrets to find out what they are like, so many would
not end up in shelters when the owner discovers something they don't like
about them.  (as if there is something to dislike about the cute little
guys!) But alas they are not for everyone.
Give all the fuzzies a kiss!
---Melissa S.
[Posted in FML issue 2513]