Thank you for talking about this on FML.  I live in Henderson, Nevada( Las
Vegas) and was in our local Pet-CO yesterday.  I really got upset at the
housing of the newest "batch of live merchandise".  No bedding, just a few
grains of food (with more sawdust in the bowl than food) in the bowl.  They
were sleeping in the litterbox because they had no where else to curl up
and feel secure.  No tubing or hidedy-holes to get relief from the stress
and sleep.  One of the little guys was so weak and wobbly and watched for
20 minutes while being chewed on by the others.  He was so small and weak
he didn't even fight back.
Yes, I reported it and had both employees take the guy out to make sure he
was OK.  They both said "Oh, we don't know anything about ferrets, but they
sleep through anything".  I asked why they didn't have some bedding, they
just looked at me like I was crazy.  I happen to know they have one
employee who is very ferret smart, He was off that day.  I told them I was
going to report the pet conditions.( and I am realistic to know that these
were not the worst conditions).  Thanks to you, I now can write to Pet-CO
Corp. and express my concerns.  Also, I hope you let us know how the
"education" day goes.  We would like to do that too.  One problem is the
"turn over" of employees.  So it should be an ongoing thing .  It was hard
to leave them in the store.  I try not to go in very often, it breaks my
heart.  Well, thanks for listening to me spout off....
1. I vote that the Insurance idea is worth investigation
2. I believe Adrenal problem to be mainly a "altered" to young problem.
   Development of all animals have a "sequence" of hormonal events that
   need to take place for normal growth/health.
3. And please, depression and weight loss are SERIOUS signs and symptoms
   of illness in most animals, especially fuzzbutts.  Tamatha of
   SurfSouth..Get that baby to the Vet STAT!!
Dooks to all,
Jeanie Ferret-nurse
[Posted in FML issue 2513]