We have finally found a supply of wood stove pellets in our area and are
considering giving it a try with our fuzzies.  I am still a little confused
as to why wood stove pellets are okay while pine shavings are not?  Could
someone clarify this for me?  The supplier here carries oak pellets, but
oak also has tannic acid.  Is this something that may be harmful for them?
I've also seen a few people mention using WSP for their cats as well...am I
remembering that incorrectly?  I hope the pellets will work out, they are
cheaper, and I've been worried about dust with the cat littler.
Also, how are the WSP at handling odor?
I know I've seen similar questions asked in the past, but despite my
watching for responses, I'm either not seeing them, or everyone is
responding directly to the inquirer.
Thanks bunches to all of you:)
Crystal Christian
[Posted in FML issue 2509]