Hi all,
I just wanted to put in my $.02 worth about the MF coat changing and weight
gaining thing.  I have two MF ferts, Choper and Betty who I bought when
they were about two months old.  They are now three years old.  They have
ALWAYS had their seasonal changes-Spring and Winter, and have always tended
to put a slight amount of weight on in the winter.  They just started to
shed last week-looks like they have been rolling around in dirt and stuff
because of the fact that their fur is a different shade now.  Actually,
they look a little goofy (more so than normal).  But, it seems to me that
the new coat coming in should be pretty thick.
On another note,
I posted about two weeks ago with a suggestion for either Frontline or
Advantage.  I said to get the *8ml.* dose and split it up between two ferts
using a *1cc* syringe (WITHOUT the needle, of course).  Someone commented
on the dosage saying that their vet recommended they only use *0.2ml*.
It was only until last week that I started to think about this-1 cubic
centimeter is the same as 1 milliliter.  So, how are you going to fit 8
cc's worth of stuff into a 1 cc syringe?  It's easy, you just move the
decimal point one place to the left!  I guess I just made a typo on the
size of the frontline containers.  As for the correct dosage, as far as I
know no one has ever done ferret specific studies.  I have had good luck
with *0.4 ml.* doses on each of my little guys with no observable signs of
side effects, and they are happy and flea-free.
Hope this helps/clears things up,
[Posted in FML issue 2513]