Over the weekend while I was home, I went to Quality Farm and Fleet to
check out their prices on the wood pellets I've heard so much about.  Their
40 pound bags were on sale for $2.49.  I didn't have any change on me at
the time so I went on home and said something about needing to run by there
the next day to pick up a bag to take back to Columbus with me.  Well, the
next day several friends and I went Christmas shopping while I left Marmie
with my mom (who, like I've said before, is totally in love with her...and
why not?!).  On our way back from power shopping that evening, I stopped by
Quality and bought a bag of litter.  When I got home, I saw a bag of wood
pellets next to my duffle bag.  I asked mom where it came from and she
said, "Well, I figured since you were with friends you'd either forget to
stop or wouldn't have enough room for it in the car so Marmie and I went
and bought it.  By the way, everyone went crazy over her at the store."
(....and why not?!) So we laughed over the idea of 80 pounds of litter and
how I won't need to buy any for a long, long time.  THEN....my brother came
home from shopping with one of his friends and had a present for Marmie in
his trunk.....a 60 pound bag of wood pellets he saw for sale at a feed
store in Kentucky where his friend needed to stop to bulk order food for
his horse!!  So, I now have 140 pounds of litter for ONE FERRET!!!!!!!!!!!
GEESH!  I think I'm going to take one of the bags to a ferret shelter.
Marmette had a great first Thanksgiving.  She's decided she likes turkey
and hard boiled eggs (started off as devilled eggs but I didn't think the
mustard would be good for ferret tummies so I scooped it out) but she
turned up her nose at the ham and stuffing that was offered.  My parents
are building onto their house and my mom took Marmie outside to dig in the
dirt that the construction company has piled up in the back yard.  I got
some great pictures!!!!  Marmette also had her first encounter with cats.
I think she thought they were just weird looking ferrets and immediately
pounced on the poor things, wanting to play.  The oldest cat, Luke, who is
15 years old, wasn't too thrilled but put up with it.  My mother's cat,
Baby, who is 10 years old, didn't put up with it for a second and hissed at
Marmie, who I think interpreted it as "More, more!" in a foreign language
and went on to bite her tail.  Poor kitty.  She didn't know what was going
Oh well.  Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving weekend.  And
I'm not talking about the roads....I'm referring to the malls!  I actually
saw two women arrested at Cedar Knoll mall in Ashland, Kentucky for
fighting over a Furby.  Oh, the American way....!  Pathetic.
Dooks to all!
Rachel   (Marmie, sorry, but the cats just don't want to play with you.)
Marmette (Ma, can we get one of those Furbys?  It'll make a nice addition
          to my hidey hole along with your watch and TV remotes.
          OOPS!  I've said too much!)
Rachel Bray
The Ohio State University
Treasurer's Office
[Posted in FML issue 2509]