>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: light levels -- How low can you go?
Well.  A while back we tried an approach suggested by another list member.
She was making claims about bright full spectrum lighting.  We put these
lights into our ferret room.  For the first time we actually had adrenal
problems.  We stopped "over" using them.  Problems gone.
This person was misdiagnosing ferrets here with adrenal problems - and
think elsewhere.
>From:    Sam Taylor <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Rethe zen menagerie
>>Ferrets are the freeloaders  <grin>
>Freeloaders???  I hate to "burst yer bubble", but ferrets have duties
Well, I've thought more about it.  They are in charge of decorating.  Or
rather it more of an undecorating sometimes.  They are convinced they and
only they know where everything belongs.
>From:    Ben Wilborn <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Neutered Ferrets
>Can someone tell me what changes I can expect to see in my male ferret if,
>and when I get him neutered.  Other than he will shoot blanks.
Well actually he won't be shooting at all.  If you get him vasectomized he
will shoot blanks.  Once neutered he will lose most if not all desire to
even "draw his weapon".  Depending upon how old he is now you might not
really notice.  But he won't lose as much weight over the summer.  He won't
smell nearly as bad.  He won't bathe in urine.  He'll be less likely to
fight other males.
>From:    Rachel Zelichover <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Thanks and disturbing info.
Went to the site, the correct URL since someone asked.
>>What follows is an overview of the ferret breeding process written by
>>Leara's player. It is meant for roleplay purposes only and the author
>>makes no guarantees about the accuracy of any of the statements.
Heck of a disclaimer.  Good thing.  Its almost largely incorrect but
they are common misconceptions.  Having been involved in role playing
games in the past, its odd that this information would be considered
useful for "roleplay".
>>Most of the information in this text came from the book _Your First
>>Ferret_ by Adelle Porch
Sounds like a book to avoid.
>- contrary to popular belief,allowing a female ferret to go unmated will
>  not kill her.This is an old wives tale.
In testing mentioned in the Fox book its about 50% that die.  It might be
different outside of the US.  In some surveys, aplastic anemia is the
single largest killer of unalterd female ferrets.
>- By 3 weeks of age the kits will be taking solid meat.
>- They are weaned about the age of six to eight weeks and bread and milk
>  should be given to them to ease the transition to solid food.
Wow!  Lets go backwards over 50 years.  Most of the progress of this
century tossed away!
I'll try writing to her.
>From:    Fulvio Biagioni <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Anatomy
Now you know why we don't let boys have cages with ramps or shelves...
Some medical problems affect hormone levels so watch for other potential
>From:    Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Bob C: Q-N-A Shelters; Urination
>Shelters are in the business of providing a TEMPORARY home for abandoned
>or orphaned ferrets.  If they consider ANY ferret unadoptable, then they
>have either not done their jobs, or they are not a shelter but rather a
>collection.  I have seen hundreds of shelters across the USA and Canada,
>and I have NEVER seen a shelter than can treat a ferret with the same love
>and attention that can be had in a home.
Well we are in agreement on that.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2512]