Announcing!  On March 13th, 1999 the Three Rivers Ferret Club will host the
Three Rivers Ferret Show and Conference, a benefit for the Pennsylvania
Ferret Rescue Association.  This all-specialty event will be located in
Oakmont, PA, approximately forty minutes east of Pittsburgh, just off of PA
Turnpike Exit 5.  We expect a grand turnout of ferret friends and owners
from the tri-state area and beyond.
Please take a moment and review the opportunities that you have to
participate in the show and to make your business, club, or shelter a more
familiar name to hundreds of ferret folk.
( Corporate Sponsorship In order to present the best possible show and
conference, we are seeking assistance from corporate sponsors.  Please
contact the club representative for information about this special
opportunity!  Club representative: Mary McCarty-Houser,
[log in to unmask], 814-237-9267.
( Display Tables Vendor tables are available for businesses, breeders,
shelters, clubs, and others who wish to sell products or distribute
information for profit or fundraising purposes.
Please note that we are offering special discounted rates for shelters
and breeder/shelters.  Clubs and shelters who wish only to distribute
information are likewise offered a special discount.
If you are not sure about which kind of table to reserve; please call or
write, and we'll be glad to help.  Table reservations include one 8' table
with tablecloth.  Table space is limited, so please reserve early!
( Catalog Advertisement Would you like to place an advertisement that will
reach an audience of ferret fanciers?  You can place an ad to meet your
budget by choosing a whole page, half page, quarter page, or business
card-sized ad.  Please provide copy-ready ads; we cannot format or design
the ads for you.
( Ring Sponsorship Show your support by sponsoring a specialty ring
competition, and your name will appear on all of the winning ribbons for
your ring.  Ring sponsors also receive a full page advertisement in the
show catalog, free of charge.  Hurry!  Only fourteen specialty rings are
available for sponsorship!
( Raffle Donation Promote your product or your goodwill!  A fundraising
raffle will be held on the day of the show.  We would greatly appreciate
any new, ferret-related item(s) that you wish to donate to the raffle.
Suggestions include: ferret food, hammocks/sleep sacks, cages,
leashes/harnesses, ferret related jewelry or art, pet store/veterinary
gift certificates, ferret-safe toys, etc.  If you donate a raffle item in
advance of the show, you are eligible to receive a free business card-sized
advertisement in our show catalog, and your name will appear on the donor
list therein.
For more information, please visit
Gina Hart c/o
The Three Rivers Ferret Club
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2512]