Sometime this year our friends at PetSmart ran an ad in which they gave you
a FREE bag of food when you brought in an empty pet food bag.  Well, we got
four free bags of 8# each, they were great to mix with our other foods.
(We made more than one trip)  I have been saving the empty 20# bags that we
buy, hoping this deal would return.  So far it has not, and I was wondering
if others had seen it ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  OK, I know there are PetSmart
employees on this list that might tell us if this will appear again ?  ?  ?
This could be an opportunity to help our shelters.
Harry C. Silvis/Zora Mae Silvis               ^^      ^^^
Kennesaw Graphics                ()--(a)     /           ^^^
Kennesaw, Georgia              (@=@=) \   /              \
770.421.1415                        O__)  \ \_/                \
Fax 770.421.1745                          \ * \                    \
[log in to unmask]                   /\ * )   /        //  \^/v^/v^/v^/^/
The Biggest Little Print Shop       \ \  \   \/\_____/ \      \^v/^v/^v/^v/
   in Kennesaw"                            / /___\  /      \  /    /
                                                    \ \   / /        \ \ /
                                                 _/ $$_/        $$$$_/
                                The Ten Ferrets of Kennesaw Graphics
BTW - Our PetSmart does not and has not sold ferrets.  Only fish and birds.
[Posted in FML issue 2541]