Dear FMLer's
I have decided that I can no longer do without having a scale that will
accurately weigh those that need it and to also monitor for possible
problems.  I ahve not been able to find one here in Fairbanks so I am
wondering if other shelter's might have ordered one from a med supply co
and where I might get a good one.  I found Roxie lying on the bottom of her
cage this morning and she was cold.  I treated her for low blood sugar and
the vet will be here at noon.  She is on a heating pad to keep her warm but
she does not seem to have use of her hind legs.  :-( Will keep you all
As in Boots request for the site address for colors 101.  I would also
like to know if there is a site that will explain all the different color
variations and show color pics.
Please feel free to e mail me directly with any of the above answers.
Happy New Year and I wish health and happiness to all sick and un wanted
fur children everywhere.
Daian and The Ferret Farm
[Posted in FML issue 2540]