>Okay, everyone, here I am desperately begging for direction.  It turns out
>that there are no ordinances in PA regarding the number of animals a single
>person may keep.  I have approached this whole matter on the number of dogs
>being housed at this hell hole (sorry BIG for language).
Hi Jennifer..
A suggestion that might help.  With that many animals in the house and the
filth you described, go to the County/city health department.  If there are
children in that household, you will be absolutely astounded at how fast
things will happen.
>I'll try that one.  Actually in my opinion they (Marshall Farms) are.
>Also my understanding is that they are the largest ferret breeder in
>the country.  They also have (or used to have) a very large business in
>breeding dogs (beagles) for laboratory use.
When I first read the post that the above quote is responding to, I
thought, oh pshaw!  Another Marshall Farms circular arguement.  Well..Mr.
Williamson, I personally think your response was one of the best I have
ever read here on the FML.  It was informative, yet written without bias,
anger, or contrivances.  Pro and con facts were noted, simply, and
A tip of my ever present cowboy hat to you sir.  I like your style.
MC, The Rude One
[Posted in FML issue 2540]