Hi Jan,
Glenn, Marlissa and I adopted Sarah and Noah from GFA in October.  They are
great and we are definitely "owned" by them.
I was hoping you could give me some advise.
An aquaintance called me tonight and asked me to take a boy ferret that she
had gotten from a young woman for her son for Christmas.
She was looking for a warm, cuddly, non aromatic pet that could be declawed
and would religiously use the litter box, (boy did she get a surprise).
When I arrived, I asked if she had vacination records, etc..  and she told
me that she called the girl to ask for them and she was told that they
didn't think he had had any vacinations OR been neutered.  I WAS SHOCKED
and didn't know what to do.  Of course I brought him home and I quarintined
What do I do?  If I can find out who is breeding illegally, who would I
call?  How much would neutering cost?  Can he be vacinated when we don't
know if he ever has been?  He looks young.
Your advise would be greatly apprecieated.
Phyllis Doss
[Posted in FML issue 2539]