Hi Fuzzy Buddies and People,
I run a very low key animal rescue from my home.  I try and help out when I
can.  I am lucky to have a husband who is willing to stay home with the
animals and make sure everone and everything is taken care of.  I am not
able to take in a large abundance of animals as the funds I spend are all
my own.  I do adopt out pets to the right home, and sometimes the right
home cannot afford the adoption fee, soooooo better a happy pet than a fee
paid.  I currently have a LARGE husky dog and a few cats up for adoption,
but no fuzzies.  I have placed my last fuzzy two weeks ago, now only my
one and only baby is at home, --Boo is his name, eating is his game.--]8)
The point of this post is to offer my home to any fuzzies out there that
need to be in foster care, or need new digs until they can find a permanent
We live in Webster, NY, a suburb of Rochester.  We can and would drive a
reasonable distance to pick up any homeless ferrets.  So if anyone knows of
a ferret that a shelter couldn't take, or someone who doesn't have the time
for their fuzzy, my home is open to them.
On a cuter note my deaf little Boo does not get really excited about too
much.  He is a gentleman ferret and displays of frivolity are below him.
HOWEVER, we went to a Natural and organic turkey farm to get our turkey for
Thanksgiving day.  The bird was Huge and healthy, YUM!!  I was taking the
giblets out and offering the liver to the cats and the dogs when Boo
wandered into the kitchen.  Boo is the smallest of my pets, but views
himself at the top of the food chain, he will let any other animal know he
thinks so in no uncertain words too :-) Anyway, in comes Boo-the other
animals part the waters and let him pass.  He ambled up to my foot and gave
me the look he gives when he would like a treat, so I happened to have a
turkey neck in my hand and I let him sniff it.  He sniffed, twitched his
tail and backed up a few steps, then he sniffed again, he dooked!, he
sniffed, HIS EYES LIT UP and WHAMMMO he launched himself with an air
assault upon the neck, wrestled it from my grip and dug into it.  I have
never seen him so happy and kit like.  My husband and I laughed for five
minutes.  We now know what we are going to get him for Christmas.
Cherie Schultz.
Boo (Dear lady, perchance could there be another gobbler neck around?)
[Posted in FML issue 2511]