Happy Holidays!
I thought I was out of the woods with the fuzzies and my Christmas tree!
(excuse the pun!).  Lucy finally looked above her on X-Mas Eve and noticed
all the lovely ornaments hanging there.  Her eyes got real big and she
started leaping for them.  She was grabbing them and stashing them faster
than I could move them up higher!  (mostly 'cause I was laughing so hard!)
She was almost panicky about getting at these neat toys and trying to find
the best place to hide them all!  Christmas morning was even funnier.
Greta got so overwhelmed that she just ran off and hid in one of my boots.
Lucy didn't know which toy to grab first!  She was running in three
different directions at once!  I got lots of photos so I hope they turn out
I didn't see the Larry King show but I read the transcript.  Jack Hanna
was actually afraid of the prairie dog and wouldn't even hold it because
he siad he got bit by one once.  What the heck is he doing working with
animals if he is afraid of getting bit?  He was referring to the ferret
"destroying" a baby - if that is the Cleveland incident from last year, I
believe they decided that the baby was, in fact, attacked by a rat, not the
ferret.  Jack better get his facts straight!  He also said no one should
ever own a dingo because they are very vicious animals.  I had a neighbor
who has a dingo and it is the nicest, sweetest dog I've ever met.  His
dingos pups grew up to be equally wonderful pets.  It all depends on how
you raise and treat an animal.  They give back what they get.
I'm attempting to put together a web page.  I don't have a scanner so there
are no photos of my two fuzzies but if you want to take a peek and give
some tips to a novice, be my guest.  it is at: inergy.com/mitzy
I would like to know where I can get a good (but fairly inexpensive) scale
to weigh my fuzzies with.  Any ideas?
Barb and the ever-lovin' fuzzies, Lucy & Greta
[Posted in FML issue 2538]