Hello Everyone,
I hope that everyone had a very happy holiday.  Everyone that subscribes to
this list is obviously a ferret lover, and would joy in receiving a baby
ferret for Christmas, im sure, except when its not permitted by law.  BUT,
not everyone in the world is.  This was made very obvious to us today when
we received our first "Christmas Present" ferret at the shelter.  Yeah, I
know.  Its a record.  A whole 2 days.  I hope this isn't a sign of things
to come.  He is a sweet baby boy; about 4-5 months old, and as you all know
in that stage of ferret childhood, they're very playful and somewhat nutty.
He is perfectly normal for his age, but the fact that he would grab at the
present recipient with his teeth really scared her, and she did not want
"that type of animal" in her home with her family.  She claimed the person
who gave it to her did not ask her if she wanted a pet, but just kind of
"sprung" it on her on Christmas morning.  When she told the gift giver that
she didn't want it, they attempted to return it to the petstore, but were
(thankfully) referred to the Ferret Central website, since the store would
not take the little guy back.  The gift giver did not want the poor boy
either, so she brought him to us today.
He seems so sweet, and playful, and after he finishes his series of
distemper vaccinations and his rabies vaccination, he'll be adoptable.
After 5 days, ill integrate him with our 5 other >6 month old babies, which
im sure he'll enjoy playing with.  Its just such a shame that people still
perceive animals as acceptable "presents" to others, without even
considering that the animal may not be wanted.  If you might be interested
in adopting little "Hokey" or any of his other 24 brothers or sisters,
please check our site.  We will be resuming adoptions after January 10th,
after all the holidays are through.
Have a safe and ferrety new year,
KiSta Ferret Rescue
Please help us help the ferrets by visiting Eyegive at
http://www.iGive.com/html/ssi.cfm?cid=3D4030&mid=3D7501   We receive
$2.00 for every new person who signs on, and its totally free to help
us.  Thank you from the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2538]