My ferrets got new tails for Christmas!  Four out of the five have grown
splendid, luxuriously thick and glorious tails.  I'm so proud of them.  The
only one who doesn't have a new tail is Kouri, my New Zealand guy, but he
does have a really dense coat.
The funny thing about the tails is that they seemed to pop in overnight.  I
wonder it they ordered them from Eddy Bower or Land's End.  If that's the
case, I better hide the Foster & Smith catalog!
Last winter, all the ferrets were in the warm computer room.  This year,
they are in an unheated porch with lots of windows.  Not only do we have
new tails, but several have new fur.  Wellington has a lot of extra color
on his back, and Neugi the little angora from Denmark has grown a whole new
coat.  And he's gained weight.  I'd always referred to him as "fluff on a
frame", but today I realized there's some "heft" to him.  And his fur is
drop dead gorgeous.
Merry Christmas to all the ferrets, and all the ferret people.
Georgia, Percy, Melbourne, Kaikoura, Wellington, Neugi and Muffet
[Posted in FML issue 2536]