Great idea for a house.  Calvin's dad made him one a year or so ago.  We
did not incorporate the darkness idea.  His house is carpeted throughout.
He has never used it for a potty.  I think I will try your idea.
I know there are alot of opinions on the light theory.  I don't know what
to think but it is worth a try.  Calvin is 2.5 years old.  He started
having an adrenal problem when he was almost 2.  He is just now about 90%
back to his former self.  Yes he had surgery also he had a different set
of symtoms than hair loss.  It was so very scarey and hard to deal with.
There is only one vet in our area of MI that knows much about ferrets.  I
had to take him to Michigan State University for treatment.  Even at the
university they had not had a ferret with his symtoms.  Very difficult
situation for all of us.  I would try anything to prevent this from
happening again.  We did not have a choice.  Surgery was the only option
because of the symptoms he had.  (There was an overproduction of
testosterone, swelling of the prostrate gland and eventual blockage of the
urinary track)  He was in agony.  He started the symptoms 1 year ago and
had surgery in May.  I worry about him everyday and watch him close.
Here is some food for thought.  We have one ferret and 3 adult children.
The kids come and go at all hours.  I keep a light on over my kitchen sink
all night, every night.  Calvin sleeps in the dining room adjacent to the
kitchen.  His hammock does not have a cover.  This supports the light
theory.  I know I will be trying out the darkness.  Everyone knows they
seek the darkest spot when they are out and go napping.  The lights will
all be out at night.
I've only been reading FML for around 2 weeks and I've have learned so
much.  I try not to miss an issue.  We never thought about taking Calvin
out in the snow, having a digging box in the house, teaching him to roll
over, or rewarding them when they come out on signal.  I have a second
ferret now and she taught Calvin how to climb inside the drawers.  That is
their favorite spot when allowed in that room.  Thanks for all the great
Eunice Keely
        Calvin (Wanna stay away from that hospital, mom)
        Gypsy (Well I wore Calvin out . . . where's that cat?)
[Posted in FML issue 2511]