Hi All !
Just wanted to wish a Merry Christmas < er, okay the Flurry tells me
it's actually "Critter-Mas">  So Merry "Critter-Mas" to all and our furry
families.  A great big thanks and hopes for Happy Holidays to all who
responded to my posts.
Not matter what our religion or beliefs, no matter what our personal
feelings, people can be bonded together through similar lifestyles,
hobbies, etc.  The FML helps us to do that.  We can meet friends with
similar interests and share that with them.  BIG, please keep up the
wonderful work.
I'm curious, maybe I missed it, but where there any responses or good news
from the "Personal Ads" that were placed.  Hey, if it worked, maybe I'LL
try it !!.
Peace and Love to all !!
Kevin B and the ~~Silly~Slinky~Seven~~~
~Furrice~ ~Lacy~ ~Simon~ ~Hershey~ ~Socks~ ~Sprite~ ~Cuddles~
~Fur-Angel Lady~   ~Petey (just dookin' through)~   and Kimo the Sumo Cat
If you don't feel Christmas in your heart, you'll never find it under a
tree .  .  .  .
[Posted in FML issue 2534]