To all those who shelter, care for and appreciate ferrets, on a PERSONAL
note, I would like to say thank you!  I would also like to ask that as the
ferret community we work TOGETHER to fix our problems.  Whether it be in
the way of communication, education, or sheltering.  We all need to work
collectively or be defeated.
Those shelters who are in crisis-- have a monumantal task-- perhaps instead
of running in guns a blazing  we need to sit and talk reasonable about how
we all can:
resolve the situation--
find foster home sfor the unadoptable--
set a reasonable limit for number of persons caring for the shelters--
recruit volunteer teams to work with the shelterers--
The humane community as a collective is NOT ready for the domestic ferret--
therefore we NEED to work together to build stronger bonds among our
selves-- this is the only way the ferrets wiol escape mass euthanasia.
So- for the New Year lets all try to put on our thinking caps, those clubs
and organizations should ( in my mind) reach out to those shelters, persons
in trouble and work to heal the wounds-- fix the bad spots-- act as a
cohesive well tuned machine.
That is what I will wish for the ferrets adn the ferret community in 1999!
What is your wish?
in the person, a shelter volunteer for
[Posted in FML issue 2533]