I know - I know this will probably fuel another round of posts-- sorry BIG!
REally-- but I have to put a little something in here.
I respecxt Judi Bell-- I think her point has merit.  The lighting issue --
keeping an animal in articifical light REALLY has merit- Aftter all how
many lightbulbs are working in the woods and wild at night???
BUT I think this is ONLY PART of the problem.  Here I personally do not
allow any light ( other than natural light) in the ferret room.  We have
two large windows on the south and east sides-- the windows DO NOT have
curtains-- The ferret get natural daylight-- and no light at night-- of
course they might get a trace of light in the evening from the living
room-- but the access to their doorway is significantly restricted...
ONlyonce in a blue moon do the ferrets come out to play after dark in our
illumionated living area-- usually one with a health problem we need to
medicate etc.  We can do this-- I am at home I realize this!!
enough on our lighting--
The missing fact that MOST people are overlooking is In MOST incidences of
adrenal disease ATEARLY AGES__ age 1-4 the ferrets who are effected are
early alter ferrets.  Early alter means ( as I refer to it) those ferrets
who are altered at 3-6 weeks of age--( or even 3- 12 weeks of age) At a
time when they are still growing- still developing.  By altering the ferret
so early the immune system and the endocrine system is robbed of hormonal
input-- that puts the burden for development onto the adrenals which try
to make up for balancing the missing messages to the thyroid and pituitary
glands which conrtrol the growth of any living mammal.
I think lighting may have merit-- it think diet / malnutrition may have
merit, I think stress factors certainly have merit-- on an overburdened
adrenal system-- the combination of any of the above COULD make a
difference too in the early age adrenal cases--
BUT my feelings are this: The adrenal glands would NOT be as apt to wear
out from overuse IF the animal was altered at a more reasonable time (age)
the immune system would be stronger, the ferrets would not hadve such a
feminine appearance with hormonal input throughout the growth period, etc.
--- If you check with any hobby breeders who alter their pets at a later
age ( and hopfuly keep them to track health problems) -- you will find many
ferrets 7 & 8 years before they manifest adrenal disease symptoms -- this,
I FEEL, makes a difference.
Of course these are only MY THOUGHTS and FEELINGS- I am not a vet, a
scientist-- only a weary ferret friend who has sheltered many, provided
adrenal treatments, surgeries etc.  BUT I DO THINK there is a reason and
a way to curtail this problem.  Lets the studies proceed!
[Posted in FML issue 2511]