I am new to the group.  Us humans have three furry ferret friends in our
abode located in Minnesota.  We have had ferrets in our family for two
years and have become enthusiasts and advocates for ferrets.  I never
realized the stereotype these animals have had.  They are such a blessing
to our family.... we love them and hope to some day get more involved in
ferret sheltering.  We don't have the facilities right now, but some day.
I would like to pose a question to everyone.  I want to find out what
owners and ferret shelters use for food.  I know everyone has there
preference, but for the price and nutritional value, it would help us in
making a decision to change what we are currently feeding our warm furrety
fuzzies.  Currently we are using Kaytee.  I want to find out what you are
using.  How many are using Totally Ferret and if there are definite results
in less food consumed and less stool waste.
Thanks!  Happy Holidays and most of all
God bless all you furry ferret friend lovers!
Jeri Jo Schaitel
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[Posted in FML issue 2533]