Geez...whoever came up with that saying..anyway, It seems pretty obvious to
me that Chandler is hearing impaired...I had left the vacuum cleaner in the
hallway and let him pass by it couple of times and at one point I turned it
on as he had just passed by it and he did not flinch, jump or react in
anyway..jest kept a walkin'.
If this indeed is the case, he is the most calm ferret, he does not startle
when picked up unexpectedly..he seems to totally act like a hearing
ferret..which I liken to my 8 year old son..but both are wonderful.
I brought Chandler home one of those 20 foot clear ferret tubes that I have
squireled about the living room furniture..he LOVES it, and the cats..well
they just follow him along util he comes out the other end..I have noticed
over the weeks, the cats begining to form some sort of liason, whereas
before it was "get the heck out of my way lap stealer" but with Chandler
around they must have figured it's him or they tag team him now,
regardless of where the ferret is, the cats have positioned themselves at
opposite ends just to try to get in one good smack.
Speaking of living room furniture..DOES anybody remember what there house
looked like pre-ferret??I am vacuuming up rice and piling up toys
constantly..and now this tube!!!  Modern home I am not!!
Have a safe you and your fuzzies
June and Chandler, "what did you say? speak up I cant hear you...stay
out of the cat box..what,,huh..oh well"
[Posted in FML issue 2533]