Hi all,
I'm taking my ferret Binky to the vet on Monday.  I suspect she is adrenal.
I keep checking out her vulva, it doesn't seem to be swollen to me.  My
concern is her coat.  She has lost alot of fur on her tail and her coat is
thin and coarse.  I have been able to see a tinge of pink through her coat
lately.  My other 4 all have long thick soft, beautiful winter coats.
I'm wondering if anyone has had a ferret that doesn't seem to be changing
coats in fall and spring normally?  If so, is this a sign of adrenal
disease or something else?
Since we moved 2 years ago, she has only shed 1 or 2 times.  We moved in
the fall and that fall she skipped a shedding season and put on a winter
coat the following spring.  I believe she again skipped a season a year ago
and put on a summer coat last spring.  It is fall/winter again and no coat
change for Binky.  Her coat has become thin and coarse throughout this last
summer and fall.  She always shed normally before we moved.  She did seem
to put on some weight about a month ago, but no coat change.
Her activity level seems to be pretty normal for her.
What is the current thought on the getting the Tennessee testing done
vs. exploratory surgery? Or are there other methods of diagnosis??  Any
input would be appreciated!
Anita Klein
[Posted in FML issue 2511]