Aside from taking this opportinity to offer Holiday greetings to all FML
types, I most sincerely want to thank all those who have responded and
offered information about Sylvester's injury.
I was not aware that this was as common an occurance as it appears to be.
I have read about clipping the vein, but never about losing a whole claw.
First I entertained the fantasy of responding individually to all who
replied, but as the posts added up, I soon dismissed the notion.
After a week, Sylvester is fine, if not for the scab between his toes, you
would never know anything happened.  And as terrible as it is to say, I'm
glad he was the one that lost the claw.  Absolutely refusing to sit still
for more than a paw at a time, and having nails that grow nearly twice as
fast as the others, he certainly can be a handful.
I know that nail injuries to humans take on the order of six months to grow
out, so will let you know in July if this is turned out to be a permanant
mishap or not.
Thanks again to all,
- Unique and Humorous .SIG file under construction.
[Posted in FML issue 2532]