Dearest Easy Off,
my mother read your Christmas car to me today.  How thoughtful of you to
think of me, but being the Perfect Ferret that you are, I would not expect
anything less.
Easy Off, I want you to enjoy your Christmas and don't worry about what
size you are, I will love you no matter what.  To tell you the truth, I
thought we might have a new ferret around the house.  Everyone was talking
about the fat one.  Yesterday we had company, a little girl Kammy told my
mother that the fat one was sniffing her toes.  IT WAS ME!  So, I guess I
might have put on a few ounces.
' hope you have the most wonderful Christmas possible.  I will be thinking
of you while I watch the lights on the Christmas tree twinkle.
Tell Ms. Millie we are counting down the days until she gets here!
Merry Christmas my dear,
Oscar Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2530]