Hi.  I'm writing for advice on my ferret "Jitterbug." Yesterday my mom
discovered that she had blood in either her stool or urine.  It was very
red, and we rushed her to the vet.  Our veterinarian examined her and did
a test on cryptosporidium and toxoplasma-something.  Both turned up
negative..  However, the vet noticed some sort of egg shell substance in
her stool, and gave us medicine.  He figures that it is either some unknown
parasite or cystitus.  We are giving her 1cc of Septra every 12 hours.
Luckily, Jitters loves the taste of the medicine and devours it as if it
was furovite or something.  She is also acting just as playful as ever.
Anyway, if anyone knows anything about an occurrence like this, I would
GREATLY appreciate your response.
Mickey and her Jitter Critter
[Posted in FML issue 2530]