ALIEN BEANS: Unidentified, small dark poopies that show up in unexpected
ATTABOY: The recognition given to a ferret for using the litter box.
AWSHIT: The recognition given to a ferret for not using the litter box.
BAG OF TROUBLE: The part of a whole hob that causes brain damage severe
enough for the ferret to recognize shoes as amourous lady ferrets, hence
the phrase, "The president's in a whole bag of trouble!"
BEAN: A tiny, dried-up poopie.
BEAN COUNTER: 1) A veterinarian's exam table. 2) A human that picks up
numerous alien beans.
CACHE AND CARRY: The action of carrying toys to hidey-holes.
CACHE FLOW: Moving toys from one hidey-hole to another.
CASTER OIL: The oily musk cast by a distressed or excited ferret.
CAT SCAN: Looking for felines to torment and nip.
DELIGHT: Whats at the end of de ferret tube.
DENIAL: What a ferret owner does prior to abtaining yet another ferret.
DOIN' LAUNDRY: Stepping into ferret urine while wearing socks.
FERRET TWO-STEP, THE: The attempt to not trample a ferret who insists on
getting underfoot while you are carrying large objects preventing you from
visualizing your path.
FONDUE FARTS: The semi-solid, gassy eliminations of a ferret on a diet
rich in raisins.
HARRY HOUDONIT: The mystery ferret who poopied exactly where your foot
would land when you are barefoot in the dark.
ICE SCREAM: The noise resulting from the application of a wet, cold ferret
nose to the back of the neck.
NE'ER DOO WELL: A ferret that never hits the litter box.
NEVER NEVER LAND: The land beyond the barrier.
PIDDLE PUDDLE: Ferret urine on a non-absorptive surface.
POOPIE POKIN': Looking for alien objects in poopie.
PRESIDENTIAL IN-TRAPMENT: When a male ferret hooks its bacula on a cage or
SCAT CHAT: Discussing a ferret's poopie with others.
SCREAM SAVER: The warning sign on the cage of a fear-biter.
SHOWIN' YER REPUBLICAN SIDE: When a ferret nips the arm that pets it.
SIDEWALK: When a ferret dances away with their body held 90 degrees from
the direction of movement.
SKINNY-DIPPING IN LAKE WEE WEE: Stepping bare-footed into ferret urine.
SLIP STREAM: Skidding on a Piddle Puddle.
TOE HOLD: When a ferret attempts to drag you under the couch by your toes.
Bob C and 20 Mo' Energetic Alien Bean Counters
[Posted in FML issue 2529]