A big warm fuzzy thank you to Pam Van Overloop for her contribution to our
shelter fuzzies.
A mystery package arrived in the mail today and in no time flat we'd ripped
it open to discover two large fluffy warm sleeping bags and an extra long
tube all of which are being inspected and dooked over by the ferts as we
They're a hit!
She even sent soft ferret toys with bells inside.  "Hey wait a minute, who
took the toys?  You bring those back here!"
Pam the AFS rescues thank you from the bottom of their little paws right to
the end of their fuzzy little tails.
Now we just gots to figure out which lucky rescues get to use the new goods.
Barb Gustafson (aka Boots)
Alberta Ferret Society
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[Posted in FML issue 2510]