I just found the report on a PA station.  D.C. left out all sorts of stuff--
like that the triggering force for wanting to better protect music
copyrights is because a number of us know quite a few small folks musicians
since we live in one of the nation's folk music hotbeds here in North
Central N.J.  (NOT to protect the large recording companies -- though those
certainly will be helped), or that the project is working toward being more
and more able to carry full concerts over the internet with amazing sound
quality (The triggering force for that was when they provided that service
for a benefit concert to help Utah Phillips get heart surgery, and the ears
and expertise for quality have been provided by Oberlin.), or that they are
working on better-than-CD-level sound with Oberlin and 8th Blackbird.  The
good things about the report are that the top office and stock brokers will
probably LOVE it which any researcher will tell you often doesn't happen
with cutting edge stuff, Daniel Charles is a very smart and kind soul so he
was fun for them to get to know, Steve actually did succeed in avoiding the
microphone as he hoped to do -- he's mic-shy, and they put on some music
from some excellent small musicians who still have to work at other jobs in
order to support their musical loves (Yes, members even of groups like 8th
Blackbird, despite all the international excitement over their music, still
have to work as things like coffee-shop waiter to make ends meet.) (Didn't
hear music of any of our friends used, though...)
Anyway, that's the end of the home news on this topic -- just thought I'd
tell you since Steve and I have so many friends here on the FML that I know
you'd try hard to get back with reports on what you recalled if I didn't
let you know that I found it.
Guess what the ferrets gave me for my birthday?  Ashling and Glueball
FINALLY STOPPED FIGHTING!  They are all sharing the large cage now!!!!!!!!!
When things slow down a bit more I'll have to finish the extension to the
cage.  In a few days I'll be able to take the second cage to the basement
again so we'll be able to reach that bookcase once again!  It will feel
like a luxury!
Steve gave me an easy camera, a Nikon Pronea S.  I have trouble focusing
fast, partly due to the blind eye sections I have, but I LOVE taking ferret
photos.  This should get me past my frustration and back to taking fun
ferret picies!!!!!  Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!
I was glad to read that people are going to stop fighting about shelters
and go on to some constructive tips.  One suggestion: shelter operators
know a lot more about some of the problems so they'll be able to list
difficulties other than those Bob will bring up from animal behavior
aspects.  ALL should be discussed.  We all realize that shelter operators
have limited funds, limited space, limited volunteer help, and limited
time, and that even the formal animal shelters with far better resources
run into many of the problems that will be mentioned (i.e. we know folks
can't create miracles and we do appreciate how hard so many try), but maybe
doing it this way will allow folks to learn a few tricks that might prevent
having to re-invent the wheel, and that's a very constructive thing.
Shortly before this conversation began I heard in less than two weeks from
three (3!) shelter operators who either knew of shelters near them which
worried them due to conditions or had heard of reports of one which was
upsetting, and certainly most know about (last year's?) rescue of a New
England place which called itself a "ferret shelter" but had abuse after
abuse to a point where the law was broken badly -- and the palce formally
shut down with charges brought -- and many ferrets had diseases or soon
died.  There are good and bad of everything.  The good shelter operators,
and (as far as I am concerned) the average shelter operators are angels who
do more than most will ever do for ferrets; that doesn't mean that there
are not some bad apples who endanger the entire barrel and who hurt many
ferrets; it also doesn't mean that even the best sometimes don't wind up in
over their heads.  It's constructive to try to improve conditions for all
and to teach each other.  But, hey, I'm not a shelter operator -- just the
friend of many who are who talk with me...
[Posted in FML issue 2527]