I'm still a fairly new ferret owner (but #7 came home last night, see other
post), I've been enslaved for about a year!  I just recently came across
the FML.  If you have not requested it yet, send an e-mail for the FML's
info packages (see BIG's directions that appear between the topics listing
and the first post).  Huge kudos to BIG and his group, that info was more
detailed and helpful then most of the books I've come across.  Not to
mention, the price is great!!!!
I spent almost a month educating myself before my first fuzz came home, but
alot has been a learning experience.  If you have a club or shelter in your
area, they can be a valuable personal resource that is only a phone call
Best of luck and happy holidays!
Jen and the Growing Gang
[Moderator's note: I can't take credit for those info packages.  Except for
a few which I extracted from FMLs, the info was compiled by Pam Greene, who
also happens to run ferret central at: http://www.ferretcentral.org    BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2527]