Hello, Pandora here.  My hooman was kind enough to type into the puter for
me the following ode to my chosen suitor... Bailey!!!
Bailey, Bailey (Irish Cream!),
A Cinnamon (Confection!),
You sound good enough to eat
So when will you be heading in my direction?
Thank you, thank you.
Ajax, although I thank you for thinking of me, you are something my hooman
calls "jail bait", whatever that is, and she says you are just not right
for me because of your "tender age".  I think that's a load of manure,
actually, since everyone knows the younger you gets 'em the better you
trains 'em, although six months old may be pushing it.  Still, you sound
really cute, but alas it is not to be.  Look me up in about six months,
okay?  (Bailey, you didn't hear that!!!).
Pandora, the Ultimate Ferret
Flower: (wondering) You mean she still thinks she's the top ferret even
though I drag her around by the head daily???
Tank: (gallumphing around the room madly and saying nothing)
Moogie: You're all crazed, the dog food is the only important thing around
here, not silly romance.  Get out of my way!
[Posted in FML issue 2526]