>"Randall R. Duke"
>"Just a thought on this subject.  I have trained my fuzzbutt in less than
>3 days that the squeaky toy we have is her signal to come to us.  Everytime
>we give her a treat, we squeak the ball and she runs like the devil himself
>is after her to get to us.  Of course, we have to provide a raisin or
>something upon arrival, but it works out just great.  She comes every
Strangely enough this is something that us *evil rabbiting ferreteers* <ebg>
do too!...............when the ferrets are kits, I always make the same
noise just before I give them some food ( with me it's a *rabbit squeak*
noise, but other people whistle or jingle their keys or something)......
then they associate the noise with something good.  Then if you lose them
when you're out in the field, at least you've got a chance of getting them
to come back ( touch wood, I haven't needed to yet....just when I lose them
in the house - normally under the bed!)
[Posted in FML issue 2526]