First off I want to thank Zen for clearing up the castration problem for me
and so on.  I feel I can no longer rely on this book for advice.  People
should have more knowledge to be able to put a book on the market.  Thanks
again.  And if you guys know anything about introducing a new ferret (2
mos.  male) to a six month Female.  They are biting each other and there is
no one dominator yet (they're both equal) so they just keep fighting.  I'd
appreciate any feedback.
I was wathching "The Beautician and the Beast" on HBO and in the scene when
the lab catches on fire (beggining) there is a ferret in the cages at the
back that she saves.  Also in the movi "The Big Lebowski" the "bad guys"
use a ferret to scare their enemy by telling it to go in the bath tub with
him.  (say good by to his feet!).
Maggie-Let me go! I want to go behind the couch!
Tyrone-Squeak, squeak, squeak!
[Posted in FML issue 2526]