Greetings to all,
I have been looking for cheweasles and have had no luck.  I was wondering
if anyone could help me find their homepage or a company that sells them.
Now I am in some need of advice.  I have a ferret Klyde Buddy he is about
4 1/2 - 5 years and he is losing weight.  I have been watching his stool
and they are fine.  He is eating and drink normally.  No hair lost, nothing
seems out of the ordinary, other then he is losing weight and seems to
sleep alot more then before.  I have been giving him each night some duck
soup.  I am not sure what to do.  The other five are doing fine.  Any
advice would be helpful at this point.
A concerned mother
Melanie Mullins, Saleena Moor, Klyde Buddy, Eirik the Red, Vivian Mae,
Tsunami, Lugnut, plus 3 cats, 1 dog and 1 spider
[Posted in FML issue 2526]