I may have a bit of a dilemma.  The house I currently rent (I'm a college
student) seems to have an infestation of rats.  Seeing as i live in the
city and sort of in the slums, this isn't really too much of a surprise.  I
keep my ferrets cage at the top of the basement stairs.  My roommates are
convinced that we have rats as a result of the ferrets and the ferrets
food.  I have tried telling them that this really isn't the case, and i'd
like somebody else's opinion on the matter.  They think that the food
attracts them, yet the bags of food do not look like there have been rats
in it.  The rat that my roomie spotted was in our living room, and it ran
towards the basement door, and then back over to the fireplace and up it.
She took the trip to the basement door as meaning that it was trying to get
to the ferrets and/or the ferrets food.  Please help me set them straight.
You can email me directly at [log in to unmask]
brenda, the two rugrats, and the real rats
[Posted in FML issue 2525]