I've been racking my brain on this issue as well.  It seems it would be a
wise investment, especially if the insurance would help cover the costs of
annual vaccinations and things of that nature.  But, like Jo, I have been
unable to find out much about this where I live.  Although it's legal to
own ferrets here, SC is not a very ferret friendly state and not many
people can tell me much of anything.  In fact the only vet that I could
find in this area that knew anything about ferrets is 25 minutes away,
which I'm not happy about, but at least it's not 2 or 3 hours.  At any
rate, I would also appreciate any information anyone has on Pet Health
Insurance.  Thanks so much!
Michelle and Rajia ~ "Yeah yeah, cuddle cuddle....now let me GO!"
[Posted in FML issue 2525]