My puter went kaflooey and now that I am back on I thought I should let
everyone know Fester is better.  She had nothing but mucous for poop and I
took her to the vet.  She is on meds and is eating and drinking (though she
insists she can only do so in a syinge!) and the lethargy is gone.  She
feels much better.  And by the way, if you want to know if a ferret is
better, just TRY to give them some nasty tasting medicine!  Boy she must be
LOTS better the way she icked and shook her head and fussed and wrestled me.
By the way, Ivory, the little albino kit I who adopted us, just fit right
in.  Reiko is this big fella and I was worried coz of his size.  Well, she
just jumps on him for a horsey ride, grabs his head in her teeth and shakes
him up.  He just sighs and says, "It's the uncle's job to tolerate the
little ones...."
Ryan, a relieved mom
Fester (Do I have to pay extra for this culinary service?)
Reiko (And just HOW LONG did you say this kit will be this wild????!!!!!!!!)
Ivory (Let's play horsey!  Let's play horsey, Uncle Reiko!)
Nino (Keep it down....this house is getting too rowdy for me.)
[Posted in FML issue 2525]