Hi and "dooka-dook"
Well - this month is off to a flying start.  One of my employees had to
move to a "no pets zone" for a while (actually a relatives house).  Sold
his dog, gave away a ball python.  Could not bear to part with his fuzzy
(PETEY).  Asked (begged??) me to board him for a while so he could still
visit & play.  Then a friend had to leave for a family emergency in Ohio.
She asked me to look after her 'Sumo cat' KIMO (all 15+ pounds of him).
Errr, okay.  Animal lover that I am.
Then one day I am in the local pet store doing my "Fuzzy Ambassador" thing.
I'd play with the little ferts and walk around with them.  It would give me
a chance to introduce ferrets to the "Fuzzy Impaired".  Some folks visiting
from CaCa Land were actually surprised to see one.  They admitted that they
are not as large and vicious as they were lead to believe (especially with
ear kisses!!!).
N-E-Way , I'm walking around with a female sable kit.  She loved to lay
on the collar of my jacket while we walked around the store.  Then she
snuggled inside next to the fake lambswool lining, just poking her head
out so she could see what was going on (aaaawwwwww - so sweet !!!).  This
couple came up and said howw adorable she was.  Next thing I know they are
buying her.
I'm talking with the male half about ferts.  Seems he already has one.  Yet
something tells me he really does not know that much about them.  I start
hearing those dreaded words (IMPULSE BUYER) ringing in my ears.  Poor lil'
kit actually started to cry and hold on for dear life as I handed her over.
Two days later I get a call from the pet store.  The fuzzbutt was returned.
Seemed it would not get along with his other one.  He did not have the time
because he was leaving for a business trip.  The fuzzbutt actually seemed
despondent.  If I wanted her, come and pick her up.  Well, the moment I
went to get her she started "cooing" and perked up.  On the way home I let
her ride on my collar.  She cuddled up real close and started licking my
Okay - now the problem(s).  PETEY (the visitor) has always been a solitary
fert.  I thought he would have a blast with other play-mates.  WRONG!!!  He
runs and hides.  My "Flurry" (yeah, my expression again) seems too hyper
for him.  He is being kept in his own cage for now.  Playtime is when the
others are not out to scare him.  He dooks and plays like normal when
"CUDDLES" the kit does not seem to be welcome.  Now I have had no problem
socializing new ferts before.  Yet my crew seems to be overly aggressive
with her.  Especially my intact albino female SPRITE.  So, CUDDLES also
hides when the group is out.  For safety sake, CUDDLES sleeps in her own
carrier.  CUDDLES by the way has no problem in dealing with the "Sumo cat"
KIMO.  She has no qualms in entering his carrier and chasing his 10+LB butt
around the room.  KIMO does get along very well with my one fert FURRICE.
I have found them napping together on times when FURRICE escapes her cage.
Yet KIMO wants nothing to do with the other ferts.  Just hides on top of
the bookcase.
<sigh> - I've sprayed CUDDLES with bitter apple to keep the others from
biting her.  Yet they still pounce on her like mad.  I've never heard a kit
cry, scream, and chatter so much.  Anyone out there have any suggestions?
I'm kinda hoping for "Peace on Earth" (well, at least peace at home) for
Christmas.  Suggestions??
Kevin B and the ~~Silly~Slinky~Seven~~~
                ~Fur-Angel Lady~   ~Petey (just dookin' through . .)~
and Kimo the "Sumo cat"
[Posted in FML issue 2525]